Random Ramblings

not too sure, really. this was started on a lonely drunken friday night--lets see what comes from it...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


According to this website, i am an oversexed Nintento 64 who loves to poke crotches. Interesting how close to the truth that is....


Friday, September 23, 2005


my best friend, bryna, is getting married in Aug 2006. I am her matron of honor (nothing on earth makes me happier either) and i love her so much!!! she has shared with me some of her ideas--one of which was songs! these are five songs that i feel embody love. What are yours?

1. Let's Stay Together--Al Green. This is my wedding song. The lyrics are my husband and i to a T.

2. This Guy's in Love With You--Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. The man who plays this song for me... i would run away with him (yes, i am married, but i would still run away for a man who played me this) Seriously, as i was typing this and looking for the lyrics, i was crying. Tears are dripping on my keyboard. Listen to it sometime.

3. True companion--Marc Cohn--my friends julie and matt "stole" this for their wedding song. Nothing would be have been a better choice for them! Here is a song that will make you want to fall in love right now!!!

4. Crazy Love-Van Morrison--WOW. Such emotion!

5. If I Were A Carpenter--Bobby Darron--such a heartwrenching song--love all around :) Again, listen!

obviously there are other great love songs--i just want to know what you guys think!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2005

and what kind o' pirate be you?"

You are ...The Cap'n

Profile: Some men and women are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any scallawag who stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man - or woman - you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. You are Charlie's Angels without so much "Charlie" and decidedly light on the "Angel." Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone - Man, Woman or Individual of Transgender or indecipherable Sexual Identification - to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.

Check this site out to find what your pirate personality will be!

YARRRH, talk like a pirate or i shall make ye walk the plank into Davy Jones' Locker!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


i found this website www.postsecret.com. it is an incredible site to look at--i just wish there was more. it is people sending in their darkest secrets anonousmsly (i cant spell that word). it makes me feel good and bad at the same time--i wish there was more for me to read. i think that is the point of the site though--to remind us that everyone has something bad inside them.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


I confess:

I listen to controversial music. (well, it depends on if one might consider country controversial--it seems to be in NYC)

I open up to others easily (too easily though--i am too trusting sometimes)

I am keeping a secret from the world (who isn't?)

I watch the news (--more specifically Fox News--i just like it better)

I own something from Hot Topic (i love shopping there even though i am WAY too old to be doing so)

I love Disney movies--the older ones.

I don't kill bugs. (dead things totally freak me out)

I curse regularly. (but i don't like too, in fact i think sound stupid when i do)

I love junk mail, but i hate spam--weird, huh?

I would wear pajamas to school. (a lot of my students do; i am so jealous!! 'member Skids though? they were like Pj's, but not!)

I am self conscious. (pretty much every minute of every day.)

I loved Go Ask Alice.

I have cough drops when I'm not sick.

]I believe in ghosts. (i think?)

i'm not at all ticklish (in fact when people try to tickle me, it hurts more than anything else.)

I bite my nails (which is why i must have fake ones)

i LOVE playing video games. (i can spend hours and hours doing so.)

Gone out in public in your pajamas (i walk the dog that way and i have been knwon to drive or walk to the deli that way too. no bra either!)

Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.

Been to Niagara Falls.

Gotten the chicken pox (the summer of 8th grade. hottest week of the summer and i couldn't go anywhere. i was quarantined at camp)

Been to Vietnam

Been to Europe

Been to Canada and Mexico

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.

Stole something.

Had a crush on a teacher/coach. sure--my husband!!)

Slept with a co-worker. (my husband, again)

Been married. (see last two :)

Saw someone dying.

Driven over 400 miles in one day. (Easily--many times!)

Thrown up in a bar. (No, thank goodness.)

Met someone in person from the internet (not for anything weird, just friends)

my thoughts on katrina as voiced by ben stein

i felt that this needed to be sent out--i agree with ben stein wholeheartdly.

God bless the people of the Gulf coast and our troops overseas.

Special ReportGet Off His Back (Updated)By Ben Stein Published 9/2/2005 11:59:59 PM
***UPDATED: Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, 2:13 p.m.***A few truths, for those who have ears and eyes and care to know the truth:

1.) The hurricane that hit New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama was an astonishing tragedy. The suffering and loss of life and peace of mind of the residents of those areas is acutely horrifying.

2.) George Bush did not cause the hurricane. Hurricanes have been happening for eons. George Bush did not create them or unleash this one.

3.) George Bush did not make this one worse than others. There have been far worse hurricanes than this before George Bush was born.

4.) There is no overwhelming evidence that global warming exists as a man-made phenomenon. There is no clear-cut evidence that global warming even exists. There is no clear evidence that if it does exist it makes hurricanes more powerful or makes them aim at cities with large numbers of poor people. If global warming is a real phenomenon, which it may well be, it started long before George Bush was inaugurated, and would not have been affected at all by the Kyoto treaty, considering that Kyoto does not cover the world's worst polluters -- China, India, and Brazil. In a word, George Bush had zero to do with causing this hurricane. To speculate otherwise is belief in sorcery.

5.) George Bush had nothing to do with the hurricane contingency plans for New Orleans. Those are drawn up by New Orleans and Louisiana. In any event, the plans were perfectly good: mandatory evacuation. It is in no way at all George Bush's fault that about 20 percent of New Orleans neglected to follow the plan. It is not his fault that many persons in New Orleans were too confused to realize how dangerous the hurricane would be. They were certainly warned. It's not George Bush's fault that there were sick people and old people and people without cars in New Orleans. His job description does not include making sure every adult in America has a car, is in good health, has good sense, and is mobile.

6.) George Bush did not cause gangsters to shoot at rescue helicopters taking people from rooftops, did not make gang bangers rape young girls in the Superdome, did not make looters steal hundreds of weapons, in short make New Orleans into a living hell.

7.) George Bush is the least racist President in mind and soul there has ever been and this is shown in his appointments over and over. To say otherwise is scandalously untrue.

8.) George Bush is rushing every bit of help he can to New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama as soon as he can. He is not a magician. It takes time to organize huge convoys of food and now they are starting to arrive. That they get in at all considering the lawlessness of the city is a miracle of bravery and organization.

9.) There is not the slightest evidence at all that the war in Iraq has diminished the response of the government to the emergency. To say otherwise is pure slander.

10.) If the energy the news media puts into blaming Bush for an Act of God worsened by stupendous incompetence by the New Orleans city authorities and the malevolence of the criminals of the city were directed to helping the morale of the nation, we would all be a lot better off.

11.) New Orleans is a great city with many great people. It will recover and be greater than ever. Sticking pins into an effigy of George Bush that does not resemble him in the slightest will not speed the process by one day.

12.) The entire episode is a dramatic lesson in the breathtaking callousness of government officials at the ground level. Imagine if Hillary Clinton had gotten her way and they were in charge of your health care.God bless all of those dear people who are suffering so much, and God bless those helping them, starting with George Bush.

****UPDATE: Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, 2:13 p.m.:More Mysteries of Katrina:

Why is it that the snipers who shot at emergency rescuers trying to save people in hospitals and shelters are never mentioned except in passing, and Mr. Bush, who is turning over heaven and earth to rescue the victims of the storm, is endlessly vilified?

What church does Rev. Al Sharpton belong to that believes in passing blame and singling out people by race for opprobrium and hate?

What special abilities does the media have for deciding how much blame goes to the federal government as opposed to the city government of New Orleans for the aftereffects of Katrina?If able-bodied people refuse to obey a mandatory evacuation order for a city, have they not assumed the risk that ill effects will happen to them?

When the city government simply ignores its own sick and hospitalized and elderly people in its evacuation order, is Mr. Bush to blame for that?

Is there any problem in the world that is not Mr. Bush's fault, or have we reverted to a belief in a sort of witchcraft where we credit a mortal man with the ability to create terrifying storms and every other kind of ill wind?

Where did the idea come from that salvation comes from hatred and criticism and mockery instead of love and co-operation?

Written by Ben Stein

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