Random Ramblings

not too sure, really. this was started on a lonely drunken friday night--lets see what comes from it...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

writing and kids

so, my bday is tuesday(SO obvious plug for presents, right?) and i got a journal from my husband's cousin for my bday. i am torn. i want so badly to write again, but once you are married, is there anything truly personal? i mean, i feel like if i write in a journal, i am keeping secrets--i don't think i am supposed to do that. But then i think, what if he sees what i write, can i really be honest with myself?

maybe i will have to learn how to write cryptic poetry or something? if anyone married can help me out with this, that would be awesome.

on a different note, we went out for halloween with 2 couple friends--that was the first time we really did anything like that as a married couple. There is something very cool about being out with couples. Jay and i always go out with friends; it is great to go out with other couples too. the thing is, most of our couple friends have kids. SO, it is nice to be able to be with some couples that have OTHER stuff to talk about--other than their kids. i mean, i can't wait for kids--but i am starting to think there is something to be said about not having one yet.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger ME! said...

Um, maybe I'm crazy, but you write personal stuff here, right. Does he not have access to this site? What makes what you write here any different, or necessary to be cryptic, in a journal.

Just write for yourself... he loves you and whatever you write down isn't a secret. It's a personal venting space/memory saver.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger k-bnakedlady said...

yeah, i know this stuff is personal--but not as personal as it would be in a journal. i am certinaly not going to write my innermost fears and thoughts for the world to see--you know i have a horribly fragile self esteem!!

plus, he doesn't read this--he just isn't the internet type.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger alphaTHEgreat said...

um, I can totally give you the Intro To Cryptic Poetry 101...


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