Random Ramblings

not too sure, really. this was started on a lonely drunken friday night--lets see what comes from it...

Monday, May 23, 2005

i am a total dork

i am a dork. 100 percent, Grade A quality D-O-R-K, DORK! Please, allow me to list the reasons I consider myself a dork:

A. i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE American Idol. I am obsessed with the program--can't get enough of it. I vote MANY times via text message, i watch every extra special clip show, read every magazine article, catch each message board, make signs to hold up in my own living room! I am a DORK!

B. I was in band camp for four years in high school and loved it. 'Nuff said.

C. I enjoy America's Funniest Home Videos. i will watch it whenever it is on.

D. i own Sesame Street videos--i am a 28 year old woman with no children.

E. i love signing up for free stuff on the ivillage message boards. nothing more fun that a free mini stick of deodorant or 4 tampons!!

F. Just ask my husband--he will give you a zillion reasons why i am a dork--yet he married me anyway!

G. i love "smart" board games. Trival Pursuit, Scrabble, Perquacky (it's the Yatzee of letters).

H. i am a lousy drinker. i have been doing it long enough--you'd think i would be good at it by now. Nope--three beer queer, i believe is the title.

CONCLUSION: i am a dork and i am proud of it!


At 9:25 AM, Blogger ME! said...

You are a dork... and I'm right behind you. Can you say high school "hair helmet"?

You've been tagged Go for it "dork"!

: ) Love ya!

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Patrick said...

A. There is no excuse for this one.

B. Nothing wrong with band camp.

C. Does it even still have bob saget?

D. You need to own meet the feebles. That has puppets too.

E. Better than enjoying expensive things.

F. Hey, even dorks need spouses.

G. Scrabble is the king of games.

H. If drinking ability measures dork-ness then im some kinda super dork.


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